Our First Trip to Labor & Delivery

Thursday was a fun day. My dog, Laila, would not leave my side that morning. She's normally more of a cuddle bug to my husband but she was all over me that morning before I left to take our son to preschool and head to my every Thursday NST (non-stress test). Of course, that appointment went longer than usual. The nurse came in after about thirty minutes saying, "Baby looks fine but she hasn't quite passed my test just yet." So, she had me turn to my other side and sit for another ten minutes or so. I was confused because I had seen quite a few peaks and accelerations on the NST but maybe she just didn't hold them long enough. Oh well, she ended up passing just fine. So, off to work I went. I had been pretty uncomfortable at work that day and just felt kind of... off. Around lunch time I started having really intense contractions and pains that radiated out to my hips and back. I immediately knew this was different because normally when I have contraction...