ICP (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy) Challenges

Well, a LOT has happened in the last week or so since I posted last. I'm 32 weeks and a few days today. I spoke with my doctor earlier this week about how we were going to move my induction to 36 weeks because of how high my liver numbers have climbed. She said she was having dinner with the high risk doctor and they were going to discuss my treatment and delivery plan. After their discussion, they decided to have me get some repeat labs drawn and see how my numbers came back. If they come back showing they're still increasing we will be moving my induction date to closer to 35 weeks. WHOA. That's just two and a half to three weeks away! Talk about crazy... Baby Girl could be here in August instead of when she was due in October. Being born at 35 weeks is kind of a coin toss. I've done a ton of reading and some babies come out completely fine needing no NICU time and some come out needing days to weeks of NICU time. I'm very fortunate we already have the steroid shots done and that she's measuring over a week ahead. I don't think it'll hurt to have some extra fat on her considering she'll be born early. At 31 weeks she was measuring 4lbs 5oz. At this rate, babies are gaining around a half a pound each week so at the beginning of this week she was measuring close to 5 pounds. Let's just hope her organs and such are well developed when she's born.

I have my hospital bag pretty much packed. I have three different size clothes in there depending on how big she comes out. I have preemie, newborn, and 0-3 months. I might go ahead and pack my Comotomo bottles because I'd like to attempt to breastfeed with her. I don't want to be using the Dr. Brown's if she's going to be learning to suck while there. I doubt her sucking reflex will be developed enough yet for breastfeeding but at least the Comotomo bottles are great for transitioning between boob and bottle. I exclusively pumped for a year with my son and I bet that's how it'll end up with Baby Girl as well. That's okay though. She's getting breast milk and that's all that matters to me. I think it's so important for preemies to get breast milk. Honestly, as long as they are fed though that's all that matters.

One thing I will bring up here is something probably every high risk pregnancy person hates hearing, especially if their baby will be born premature. Please, PLEASE, don't say something like, "At least you didn't have to be pregnant for an extra month." That comment irks me so much because you know what? I'd LOVE my babies to have that extra time in there growing and developing without having to meet the world too soon. I'd LOVE to have a normal pregnancy where it was all unicorns and rainbows and not wondering, "Should I have my hospital bag packed by 32 weeks?" I'd LOVE to not have to fight four doctor's appointments a week from 28 weeks on while still trying to manage working a full time job.

So, I'll update here whenever I find out if we'll be closer to 35 or 36 weeks! Two of my results came back but they aren't the important ones. Ah! Here's to waiting!


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