Second Trimester, Migraines, and Belly Rubs

Say hello to the second trimester! We announced our pregnancy a couple weeks ago! I think it turned out pretty great! There's even a hidden Mickey in there if you can find it!

I'm a little over 14 weeks now and as happy as I am to be in the second trimester, I am hating the debilitating migraines that have taken over my life. I now know I can 100% honestly say I'd rather deal with nausea and vomiting than migraines. Doing anything with a migraine is taxing. I've been sitting at my desk at work with a can of ice cold Diet Coke pressed against my temple hoping for some relief while waiting for the 6 hours between Tylenol to expire so I can take another two pills. I'm not one who likes taking medicine while pregnant so if something is severe enough where I'm taking Tylenol multiple times a day, you know I'm hurting. Unfortunately, Tylenol doesn't help much, if at all, but I hope every time that maybe these two pills will work their magic and I'll feel better in 20 minutes. I even opened my Diet Coke to drink some caffeine hoping that would give me some relief. We shall see. For those suffering migraines during pregnancy, I feel your pain. I hope they ease up on you soon so you can enjoy what is supposed to be the most enjoyable trimester.

On a side note, we got our genetic results back a couple of weeks ago! Everything looks great genetically and we did find out the gender of our baby! Either gender was great but knowing the genetics look great was a huge relief. We will be doing our gender announcement on our vacation here in less than three weeks. We'll be visiting Disney and I cannot wait to spend the day with my husband and son there. It will be Reilly's last vacation to Disney without a little brother or sister so we are working to make it extra special.

Speaking of Reilly, we celebrated his 2nd birthday this past weekend! We had a Toy Story Themed party and it was a lot of fun! He really seemed to enjoy the decorations. I made a couple of signs for him shown below. I made the Pizza Planet sign with foam board and vinyl. I traced the image with my Silhouette Cameo machine and printed it out. It turned out really great! The Toy Story door sign was just free handed. I never claimed to be an artist but it turned out alright!

We are on to the final countdown to our vacation and I'd love it if it could come a little faster! We are all ready for a break from life for a little bit. I just ordered a maternity swimsuit from Target so hopefully that fits okay and I don't feel all self conscious on the beach considering I'm not in the greatest shape especially compared to last year. I hope to spend a lot of time in that swimsuit this summer as I'm hoping to get a lot of pool time and pool workouts in at my parents' house. I'm also wanting to plan some kind of a babymoon. Life is going to be completely different having two kids around. It's hard enough to get a date night in with one kid so I can only imagine how difficult it'll be with two. It's hard for me to want to schedule a kid-free weekend because I want to spend as much time with Reilly as possible before it's not just the three of us anymore. However, I know how important it is to keep doing things just husband/wife. After all, without that, we wouldn't have Reilly or the new addition coming soon. We keep talking about visiting Estes Park again. Maybe we will do a long weekend or something out there. Or maybe even visit Branson. That's a lot closer of a drive if something were to happen to Reilly while we're gone. We shall see.

Last bits that have totally surprised me. I've already had TWO belly rubs, one at work and one from one of Reilly's preschool workers.  I feel like it's way too early for people to be doing that because while I may be showing, I still don't feel all baby yet because I'm not! Here is a belly shot of me last week at 13 weeks 2 days. I sure love this growing bump!

 Another thing that caught me by surprise is how fast this is going. While the days go by slow, the weeks are flying. I told Devan I want everything ready by mid-August considering our history of being high risk and having a premature baby. I fully expect to see this baby enter the world at the end of August or early September even though baby is due October 2nd. That means that we only have 4 months to have everything ready. When I look at that number... 4 months... it makes me realize just how fast this is all going. September is only 5 months away. That means we could be just 5 months from bringing this baby home! It just absolutely blows my mind. I'm ready to start planning the nursery. We just need some nice weather so we can paint!

I'll catch up with you all later! Keep watching for updates! Our gender announcement will be coming soon!


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