Singleton or Twins??
There comes a time in your life where you go to bed at 7:30PM every night... That's me... At the ripe old age of 27. I have never been so tired in my entire life. That includes my pregnancy with my son and the two miscarriages last year. For those of you that don't know me, I'm a pretty energetic person so to barely make it out of bed every day after 10+ hours of sleep is such a strange thing. I've also been blessed with early morning sickness and heartburn. I didn't get morning sickness with Reilly until probably 7 weeks. I didn't get heartburn until closer to my second trimester. To be getting both of these things before I'm even 6 weeks is blowing my mind. I sometimes have a feeling I'm carrying twins but I'm probably crazy. I keep getting that inkling though... Maybe it's wishful thinking. I've always wanted twins. I was a twin and never got to experience that twin bond because my twin was miscarried. I've always wanted to see that bond through my own children since I didn't get to experience it myself. I might also add that I swear I felt ovulation happen twice on two different sides on two different days. Never had that happen before. So, that also has been on my mind since the O Day.
I did get some great news last week! I had my HCg levels drawn and they are doubling every 1.3 days or 30 hours! The average doubling time is 48-72 hours or 2-3 days. Reilly's doubled on the slower end, closer to 70 hours. So, this is whole new territory for me! Fast doubling, early symptoms... I'm excited for my first ultrasound next Wednesday! Not only do I want to see a healthy baby since this ultrasound hasn't been our friend the last couple of times, but I want to see if my suspicions are correct or not. I've always known I was going to get pregnant way before it was even possible for me to even be pregnant yet. Meaning, when that new cycle started I just knew that would be the month. It's just a feeling I can't shake, not sure why. I even have friends joking about it with me. I've had three friends, all in my April 2015 mom's group on facebook (only 67 members, maybe ~30 active members) announce they're pregnant with twins as well. Then, Beyonce announced she was pregnant with twins (in the most bizarre way possible, I might add). I don't know... Wednesday can't come soon enough! I'll be happy and excited no matter what as long as we have a healthy baby. That's honestly all I care about! I probably won't update until then so we will all just have to wait and see!
I did get some great news last week! I had my HCg levels drawn and they are doubling every 1.3 days or 30 hours! The average doubling time is 48-72 hours or 2-3 days. Reilly's doubled on the slower end, closer to 70 hours. So, this is whole new territory for me! Fast doubling, early symptoms... I'm excited for my first ultrasound next Wednesday! Not only do I want to see a healthy baby since this ultrasound hasn't been our friend the last couple of times, but I want to see if my suspicions are correct or not. I've always known I was going to get pregnant way before it was even possible for me to even be pregnant yet. Meaning, when that new cycle started I just knew that would be the month. It's just a feeling I can't shake, not sure why. I even have friends joking about it with me. I've had three friends, all in my April 2015 mom's group on facebook (only 67 members, maybe ~30 active members) announce they're pregnant with twins as well. Then, Beyonce announced she was pregnant with twins (in the most bizarre way possible, I might add). I don't know... Wednesday can't come soon enough! I'll be happy and excited no matter what as long as we have a healthy baby. That's honestly all I care about! I probably won't update until then so we will all just have to wait and see!
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