12 Weeks, 6 days!

We are so close to the second trimester, I can't believe it! So much has happened in the last month I'm not even sure where to begin! I'll start off saying that I found out I am RH Negative (O- Blood type) so I'll have to have a shot at 28 weeks pregnant to make sure that any other babies I have in the future are safe. I also found out I'm Strep B Positive (a kind of UTI) that will require me to take antibiotics during labor to make sure I don't pass it to the baby if I end up with it again. Lots of fun, right? At my 11 Week appointment, my doctor wouldn't even entertain the idea of listening for a heartbeat. I really wanted to hear a heartbeat before my vacation since we would be announcing while we were there. A Disney World announcement... How could we resist? So, I opted to purchase my own doppler and it arrived only a few days later! My husband and I looked for about ten minutes and then we finally heard that blessed sound. 170 something beats per m...