Feeling Good!

Today marks the 12th day of my current cycle. I'm just waiting to ovulate and I haven't felt this good and relaxed in a while. I learned a lot from last cycle as I've mentioned in previous posts and I'm really taking it to heart this cycle. I'm so much more relaxed and that's helping me both in my personal and professional life. Here are some of the things I've done that I believe are making a difference!

1) I started drinking a lot more water this cycle. What has this done for me? I'm sitting here looking at my Caffeine Free Diet Coke thinking how gross it looks. The more water I drink, the less I want my pop. It's also... get ready for TMI... given me an increase in EWCM which is exactly what you want when you're TTC. So, that's been a welcome addition.

2) I started exercising again and man does it feel good to be getting active again. After all, if we don't end up conceiving before May, I've got a vacation in Mexico to go to and I want to look GOOD.

3) I've started using breathing techniques to try and relax more. I stress out a lot over the tiniest things. It's always something I've done. I'm trying to incorporate meditation into my life. I did P90X3 yoga the other day and I felt so amazing afterwards. I highly recommend it. I know that stressing out over things doesn't help. In fact, it makes things worse. So, I'm doing my best to stop stressing over things that aren't in my control.

All in all, the journey is teaching me a lot of things that have nothing to do with TTC. I'm learning more about myself and my marriage and that is a fantastic thing. I think the most fitting quote for this is:

"The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it."-The Lion King


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