7 isn't so lucky.
Today is CD 1 of my 8th TTC cycle. Bummer, right? I'm going to be blatantly honest here. TTC sucks. I never thought it would be this hard. It's not just the emotional aspect failing over and over again. It's the constant advice you get from people who think they're giving you brand new never before heard of advice. Well guess what... I've heard it all. Here are the most common pieces of advice you get: *Just relax. *You're trying to hard. *You're stressing out too much. *It'll happen when the time is right. *Try OPKs. *Have sex on CDX, CDX, and CDX. *Have sex every other day/have sex every day. *Just have fun! *Stop taking it so seriously. I am so sick and tired of hearing these pieces of advice over and over. Every time I hear one, I just smile and thank the person because they honestly think they're helping and I appreciate that. If you've ever been through TTC and it's been difficult you know what I'm talking about. It'...