Hello again! It's been awhile since I've posted. Life has just been so crazy busy since I last updated! I'm almost 28 weeks now and getting ready to head into the third and final trimester! First things first, we announced that we are having a... We are so excited! Reilly was really tired during that picture but it's kind of funny if you think about it. We are keeping her name under wraps on social media right now (because we're so famous, haha) but we've had it picked out since the moment we found out we were having a girl! Girl stuff is a little overwhelming, I'm not going to lie. I remember finding out we were pregnant with Reilly and I was terrified of having a boy. Boy stuff was so easy though and it's amazing how excited I get when I see cute boy stuff. Now, whenever I see girl stuff I get anxious and overwhelmed. I did find her an adorable Rainbow Baby outfit that I'm hoping she'll be big enough to come home in. Her nurser...